Give to OLLI

Ways to Give

There are several ways to give to the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at WashU.

  • Contributions to the OLLI General Fund help with the purchase of audio-visual and classroom equipment, and other expenses associated with maintaining and improving the delivery of OLLI programs. 
  • Gifts to the OLLI Scholarship Fund are used to subsidize enrollment fees for those who would like to participate but need monetary help to attend.
  • Gifts to the Endowment Fund guarantee the institute’s continuation and growth.
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Volunteer or Facilitate

Volunteers are the engine that keeps OLLI running!  If you’d like to contribute your time and talents, some opportunities include:

For more information, please contact the office at or 314-935-7000.

Many thanks to those who have contributed your time or funds during this past year!

Your continued support is very much appreciated.